Why did he do this?
Park reportedly carried a letter addressed to Kim and other leaders calling on them to repent.
“I proclaim Christ’s love and forgiveness towards you today. God promises mercy and clemency for those who repent,” Park said in the letter, which was made public Saturday.
Reaction from around the world is nearly unanimous: Park is "stupid"--he is "deranged"--he is "suffering from a martyr complex"
I've not seen any positive view of his actions, even from the "church world" Understandable, in that his actions certainly are not in keeping with the methodology of the modern "church"
Now, I do not know Park at all; never heard of him until he did this deed. I have no idea of his mental state; I have no idea of his theology. He might be a deranged person. He might be a heretic. He might believe in common-cup communion or trine immersion. It's possible that he's on the wrong side of the "supra vs infra" argument.
So, I'm really not talking about Robert Park, per se, but more of Robert Park as a "type" of Christian. This type is so rare as to be unrecognized by the very church which he serves. Allowing that there are a few exceptions, I stipulate that, he is completely out of character for a 21st century Christian.
He is a throwback to the Book of Acts. He is behaving as if he takes literally the commandments of Christ: things like Luke 9:23. He has read Matthew 24:9 and is undeterred. He acts as if Paul's stirring declaration that "to live is Christ, to die is gain" is literally true.
Why does he not just settle down in Arizona and act like a normal Christian? You don't see the rest of his congregation jumping on planes and flying to Korea to join him across the river, do you?....or Christians from any other congregation. Well, they're different.....they're not like him.
The difference is: he has a burden. Burdens are something normal Christians take great pains to avoid. Those things are not called "burdens" for nothing.....they are a real nuisance, a disrupter, yea a destroyer of our comfortable life. Congregations love to sing "Jesus Saves"....."we have heard the Macedonian call today...." Singing it is fine....just don't get carried away!.......like Paul did:
And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing there, urging him and saying, "Come over to Macedonia and help us." And when Paul had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go on into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them. (Acts 16:9-10)
See, when Paul heard the Macedonian call, "immediately we sought to go...." That's where the "crazy" part comes in. Paul and his team went...they didn't just make up a song about it......they went! They went because they had a vision, a burden; they went because the love of Christ constrained them. They went because the knowledge of perishing souls was more than an intellectual concept to them; it was a matter of heart.
So, Robert Park has a burden for the people of North Korea. He has gone. He might lose his life in the bargain. Just for a moment, let's imagine what could happen if the church had a burden. Imagine now that 100 Christians were burdened by God for North Korean souls......and they followed in Park's footsteps across that river.....and the authorities take them and do whatever they do to folks who come into that country with Bibles and Gospel tracts and the Word of God in their hearts.
And 100 who heard the call are swallowed up......but God is not finished. Following the 100, come 1000 or 10,000 with a burden for lost souls, led by the Spirit of God. Imagine an Army of God marching across that river singing "Jesus Saves"...sung by those who have really heard the call! Imagine a local congregation, maybe like yours, with a $3 million budget and a thousand members, responding to the call by saying: We'll go! Three chartered 747's filled with all the membership, flying to Seoul, busing to the river bank, marching across under the Banner of the Gospel......
Yeah, wild idea......vivid imagination. Never happen. Why? Is God not calling? Does He not care for North Korean souls? ...or those in another equally "dangerous" place? As Spurgeon said, He called. He called, but men ignore Him. We don't want to hear it. We do not care for their souls. We love to make the appropriate noises, to go through the motions, but when it comes to laying our life on the line, we are staying here where it's safe and comfy and warm.
"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it. "
(Mark 8:34-35)
Wow, great question! I venture to think most folk don't want to think like that. It's a sad state for the church when so many in it look at Park like he is a freak- almost a "one of those people" if you will. Good post sir. Let's get the church thinking.
Thanks for visiting the blog, brother!
There are way too many groups viewed as "those people" by the self-righteous organization which passes itself off as "the church"
The origin of that classification? Pride.
The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.--those people
(Luke 18:11)
That is a very convicting post, Ed.
I have tried to stir people up in my own congregation to go downtown and DO SOMETHING! Even if it's just singing or passing out New Testaments.
But, I am either a poor instigator or a sorry organizer, because I am operating on my own. But I never have thought of doing what Park did.
Granted, I am married, and perhaps he is not. But I do have some free time now and then to do more than I am. It really embarrassed me last Sunday when one of the elders said, while introducing me to someone, that he did not know of anyone who was doing more than myself in the church to promote the gospel. I know he was trying to compliment me, but it actually grieved me.
I don't feel that I am ever doing enough and know I have much to learn and much room for improvement, so if I am doing more than anyone else out of almost 500 people, that really makes me sad.
I saw some brothers (not from my church tho') preaching on the street New Year's Eve and was glad to know that at least someone was out there trying to tell folks what they should be pursuing. Of course, now I feel that I should join them and I may. But, it would be so good to know that we were not "the few, the loud, and the unlistened to".
I know that you sometimes feel like you are very alone in what you do. I wish more people could see that our time here is wasted unless God and souls are our priority...every day. I think of supposedly saved retirees who only care for fishing and hunting and showing up for church on Sunday. What a waste of the golden years on selfish pursuits!
God bless you brother. You are loved!
Even those who consider doing radical things, do not for fear of how others will view them. Yes, it is pride. We are so hipocritical (said with shame).
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